2017年12月26日 星期二

Create Silicon lab NCP project on ZNET6.0.0

This article describes how to build EFR32 ncp chip side FW via SSV4 on ZNET 6.0.0

1.create a ZNET6.0.0project with customizable NCP FW.

2.If use BRD4001A's mini usb to PC,only support HW flow contorl.
On this test,i use HW flow control.

3.Set EFR32 chip part number,if use BRD4151 or other demo board can input the part number on "Boards".
compile tool can use IAR or GCC. 

4.After generate .isc file,we can check the board header is use HWCONF here:

5.check the NCP-UART plugin

We use HW flow control here and enable the Uart on USART0.

6.Check the Serial plugin as below:

7. generate and open HWCONF
check the CMU, if you don't use LFXO ,here we set False.

If we don't have DCDC on board,you need disable it here:
If we need PTI function,enable it here.

 Because we use BRD4001 to change the uart to USB,so we needenable the virtual com here and set at PA5.

8.After save HWCOF open hal-config.h and set the PTA code here. 

9.Save and compile as below:

If compile succeed we can see the message :

10.After update the FW on EFR32 and test via cygwin:

2017年12月18日 星期一

Silicon lab OTA test on virtual gateway

On this article we  will try to use zigbee OTA on silicon lab reference design virtual gateway and BRD4151A.

We need to prepare two BRD4151A board.
one we load ncp FW and one we load Z3Occupancy sample code.
About the virtual gateway we can refer this document to build it.

UG129: zigbee® Gateway Reference Design User's Guide (RD-0001-0201, RD-0002-0201)

Here is my step:
1.Following UG129 to download "Oracle VM" and install the Virtual gateway.
2.I met a MQTT version error when i try to input “$ sudo apt-get install silabs-zigbee-gateway”
   you can use following command to install MQTT before you use the
 “$ sudo apt-get install silabs-     zigbee-gateway” command.

   $ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mosquitto-dev/mosquitto-ppa
   $ sudo apt-get update
   $ sudo apt-get install mosquitto

3.Create a Z3Occupancy Sample on ZNET5.10.0 and you can find the OTA version on following plugin.
Generate and compile on version 46.(save the s37 name to "Z3OccupancySensorSoc_V46.s37")
Change the version bigger than 46 (ex:52)and generate ,compile again.

The OTA server will use following three value to verify the OTA image.
The detail description please refer this document.

Manufacturer ID
Image Type ID
OTA version

4.put the version 52 Z3OccupancySensorSoc.ota file to the following folder.
5.Uplaod ncp FW on another BRD4151A

6.upload Z3OccupancySensorSoc.ebl V46 on BRD4151A.

7.Open the Firefox on VM and add Z3OccupancySensorSoc to VM ,you will see following picture

8.You can find there will show OTA file version as below:
9.If you clock the load item ,ZC will send a "ZCL image notify" command to ZED and will start OTA.
If start OTA ,we will see the update bar as below:
10.After finish,we can find the version change to V52

2017年12月15日 星期五

How to use sniffer (Packet Trace ) base on EFR32

此篇討論如何使用EFR32 sniffer 功能(packet trace)
使用usb線 SOC mode篇

1.Silicon lab packet trace承襲至ember,使用者買了zigbee 開發套件就會附加有相關功能,不需要額外付費


3.設備本身有sniffer功能,收到封包的RSSI LQI是真實的,如果是旁邊的sniffer收到,RSSI,LQI只能拿來當參考依據.

4.packet trace功能可以在多片板子同時開啟,甚至可以跟ember Em35x系列同時使用,抓封包會更完善

1.EFR32目前無法單純當sniffer,亦即必須搭配zigbee FW,只能解出本身的封包,詳細可以參考這一篇文章
EFR32 be a sniffer

EFR32 底板BRD4151A
然後分別燒錄 HaSampleGateway and HaSampleLight

古老的HaSample code 影片Demo...純分享
HaSample Demo


接著再選擇Launch Console

圈選兩塊板子選擇Start Capture


可以嘗試在console輸入help, or info,確認console可以work

我們先在Gateway端形成zigbee 網路
network form [channel:1] [power:1] [panId:2]
  • Create a network on the given channel, power and panId.
    • channel - INT8U - The channel on which to form the network
    • power - INT8S - One byte signed value indicating the TX power that the radio should be set to
    • panId - INT16U - Two byte pan id for the network

接著 gateway permit join
network pjoin [seconds:1]
  • Permit joining on the network for a given number of seconds
    • seconds - INT8U - Number of seconds during which devices will be allowed to join the network. A value of 0xff turns permit joining on permanently

network find joinable
  • Begin a search for a joinable network. Will automatically attempt to join the first network that it finds.


下圖,例如我們可以由這邊確定設備因為看到permit association 所以才會接著做association 的動作.

要觀察封包RSSI以及收發狀態,可以參考下圖開啟"Radio info"功能,

在存檔前必須再做一個動作將NWK key加入


silicon lab packet trace 功能在debug上蠻實用的!!

Silicon lab Zigbee solution EFR32 two Usart tx test

此篇測試使用Silicon lab EFR32 晶片,透過ZNET stack 使用兩組UART 在SOC project上
 測試TX 部分
SOC mode
Sample code : Z3Switch
Zigbee Type : Sleep end device

Step as below:

We use Z3SwitchSample

We use BRD4151A for the test

Set a event for test

chose maininit callback,and copy it to callback.c file.

not overwrite callback.c when we generate a project.

Default the USART1 on BRD4151A is use for external flash.
So if we want use USART1 we need take off EEPROM plugin .

Generate the project 

Setting the USART 1 to PC9,PC10
The location can be check on datasheet

We don't use the ncp ,so disable here

Disable the SPI to external flash pin define
We try to initial the USART1 on maininit callback.

Fix a ZNET5.10.1 bug ,lose the ","

We print some message on event and set it print every 5 seconds

compile and upload the FW to EFR32

We use the BRD4001A Expansion Header Pinout to connect to CP2104,and connect to PC.

After upload FW ,we can use tera term  to open CP2104 console and can find the TX message fromUSART1  tx PC9 data

Here is the USAR0 from PA0 data

Here is the related UART API .