1.create a ZNET6.0.0project with customizable NCP FW.
2.If use BRD4001A's mini usb to PC,only support HW flow contorl.
On this test,i use HW flow control.
3.Set EFR32 chip part number,if use BRD4151 or other demo board can input the part number on "Boards".
compile tool can use IAR or GCC.
4.After generate .isc file,we can check the board header is use HWCONF here:
5.check the NCP-UART plugin
We use HW flow control here and enable the Uart on USART0.
7. generate and open HWCONF
check the CMU, if you don't use LFXO ,here we set False.
If we need PTI function,enable it here.
8.After save HWCOF open hal-config.h and set the PTA code here.
9.Save and compile as below:
If compile succeed we can see the message :
10.After update the FW on EFR32 and test via cygwin:
HOw about the hardware in this example?
回覆刪除and how about connection of them?
Hi Lee,
刪除i use BRD4151A radio board with BRD4001A on this test.
you can refer this link if you need.